My name is Lily Blake and I’m 32 years old and I’m quite straightforward and bossy. I like to tell the other waitresses what they should do and I’m a little lazy. My body is stout and I’m tough. I keep my long, blond hair in a tidy knot and my samll blue eyes observe everything. I keep track of everyone, both staff and passengers.
I come from Newcastle and I have been working for the train company for eight years since my divorce from my alcholic husband. We didn’t ger any children.
I like travelling around the world meeting new people all the time. I will work a lot during Christmas and New Year’s holidays to earn some extra money. I like fancy clothes. I’m secretly in love with the restaurant waiter Robert Jason. I sleep in berth nummer 4 in the staff section in the Paris coach. I share the compartment with Sarah Walker.
I know now that everybody killed him. But before I got the answer, I thought that it was someone of the waitresses. I don’t just thought that maybe he was kind of rude or didn’t tip them?
I was actually on the train just because I thought to my self that I would miss Robert too much. And I may as well get some one out of it. And maybe because I really wanted to meet Mr. Rachett. I have heard a lot about him. And there were going to be a lot of intresting people on the train. Also I was always working at the same place, and I thought it may be fun for me to get on a train and just talk and make food for people.
3 years later..
I and Robert Jason got married just last week. I found out that he liked me too, thanks to Mr. Rachett. The same day when Mr. Rachett was murdered he told me:
- Would you look at that? He, Mr. Jason, lights up whenever you smile. I think you should take a chance and just give it all you have.. It’ll be worth it.
I will forever be thankfull to Mr. Rachett, because of him I got my prince. I don’t think that Mr. Rachett was a bad person, just that he was in all the wrong places at the worst time. I mean if it wasn’t for him, I would never in millions years got the courage to go up to Robert and just talk.
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