In this blog you meet fictional passengers who describe their experiences on a made-up journey with the Taurus Express.
- Colonel George Arthur (3)
- Conductor Luis Henry (3)
- Countess Helena André (2)
- Cyrus Hardman (5)
- Dr Constantine (3)
- Edward Masterman (3)
- Emily Landrake (4)
- Greta Ohlsson (3)
- Hector MacQueen (4)
- Hildegard schimdt (4)
- Hugo Pitcher (4)
- Lily Blake (2)
- M Bouc (3)
- Maid Sue Watson (4)
- Maid Wendy Lewis (3)
- Marco Foscarelli (3)
- Mary Debenham (3)
- Miss Swanson (2)
- Mrs Harriet Hubbard (4)
- Mrs Laura Smith (1)
- Peter Smith (2)
- Pierre Michel (3)
- Princess Nathalia Mirnoff (3)
- Robert Janson (5)
- Samuel Ratchett (4)
- Waitress Sarah Walker (3)
fredag 22 november 2013
söndag 10 mars 2013
Week 4
Hello passengers and personnel,
By the end of this lesson, you should have put at least 3 posts under your person's name:
1. The Voki i.e the presentation of your person
2. Your witness report (recorded)
3. The first part of your story. Write as if you are the person traveling on the train. Describe your person, the environment, what is happening, who you think is the murderer, why it is done etc. It should be a story, not a description. Let us know what you see, hear, say, think... and as always, motivate your answers.
Good luck / Miss Swanson
By the end of this lesson, you should have put at least 3 posts under your person's name:
1. The Voki i.e the presentation of your person
2. Your witness report (recorded)
3. The first part of your story. Write as if you are the person traveling on the train. Describe your person, the environment, what is happening, who you think is the murderer, why it is done etc. It should be a story, not a description. Let us know what you see, hear, say, think... and as always, motivate your answers.
Good luck / Miss Swanson
måndag 11 februari 2013
my story
I am running down the platform, as the train is supposed to leave in a minute or two. I work as a waitress on the Taurus Express and I enjoy it very much, when we have nice passengers, otherwise it could be a bit boring. I am Emily Landrake and 22 years old. I am not like any other on this train. sometimes quite shy, but effective. I love to serve breakfast to the passengers because it´s good for me too move my legs. I look outside the window and see that it begins snowing. Emily does not like the snow. She would anyway not like to get snow in her face. Not so convenient. I turns around and suddenly a man in 24-year-old asks her where the toilet is. I am watching his beautiful eyes and gets nervous. I looks up again and asks the young man to ask about his question. Emily pointing to the left side and the man continue his way there. His eyes were as shiny crystals. There are not many who believe in first sight but Emily do. I continue with his job and then have days run out.Emily went to her compartment in paris coach. I change my clothes to sleepwear and jumped into bed. I closed my eyes and begin thinking about the murder of Samuel Ratchett. Emily was in love with louis but today she was really impressed by the charming man.
tisdag 5 februari 2013
The End!
My name is Lily Blake and I’m 32 years old and I’m quite straightforward and bossy. I like to tell the other waitresses what they should do and I’m a little lazy. My body is stout and I’m tough. I keep my long, blond hair in a tidy knot and my samll blue eyes observe everything. I keep track of everyone, both staff and passengers.
I come from Newcastle and I have been working for the train company for eight years since my divorce from my alcholic husband. We didn’t ger any children.
I like travelling around the world meeting new people all the time. I will work a lot during Christmas and New Year’s holidays to earn some extra money. I like fancy clothes. I’m secretly in love with the restaurant waiter Robert Jason. I sleep in berth nummer 4 in the staff section in the Paris coach. I share the compartment with Sarah Walker.
I know now that everybody killed him. But before I got the answer, I thought that it was someone of the waitresses. I don’t just thought that maybe he was kind of rude or didn’t tip them?
I was actually on the train just because I thought to my self that I would miss Robert too much. And I may as well get some one out of it. And maybe because I really wanted to meet Mr. Rachett. I have heard a lot about him. And there were going to be a lot of intresting people on the train. Also I was always working at the same place, and I thought it may be fun for me to get on a train and just talk and make food for people.
3 years later..
I and Robert Jason got married just last week. I found out that he liked me too, thanks to Mr. Rachett. The same day when Mr. Rachett was murdered he told me:
- Would you look at that? He, Mr. Jason, lights up whenever you smile. I think you should take a chance and just give it all you have.. It’ll be worth it.
I will forever be thankfull to Mr. Rachett, because of him I got my prince. I don’t think that Mr. Rachett was a bad person, just that he was in all the wrong places at the worst time. I mean if it wasn’t for him, I would never in millions years got the courage to go up to Robert and just talk.
måndag 4 februari 2013
Hello. I’m Wendy Lewis. I work here as a maid. I think there is something wrong here on the train... I mean, the count and the countess are a little special here. The count is very over-protective and he never let his wife talk to anyone. She always looks down, I think there is something wrong there. Well I spoke with my colleague yesterday. We spoke about it and she thinks that I’m right. She thinks it too, and it is a very akward feeling. I think that there is something special with them because they never ever speak to anyone and that is what gives it an akward feeling! But... Someone found a knife in the bedroom of miss Harriet Hubbard yesterday, and when I was in the kitchen yesterday at the night to get something to drink I saw that the knife was gone and before the knive was gone count André was in the kitchen, and when i asked him what he did there he wouldn’t give me an answer and just said ”nothing” I became a little scared, because he and mister samuel rattchett had a lot of problem with some money and they always faught about money. One day I heard them fighting very much and André said to Samuel ”If you don’t give me the money on thursday afternoon I’ll kill you. I don’t know what is going on here but I think that the count André killed Samuel and he just hid the knife in the room of Harriet so nobody would think it was him. But I still think that André is the murderer. I don’t know if it is true and we’ll see.
Emily landrake - story
She running down the platform, as the train is supposed to leave in a minute or two. She work as a waitress on the Taurus Express and I enjoy it very much, when we have nice passengers, otherwise it could be a bit boring. I am Emily Landrake and 22 years old. She is not like any other on this train. sometimes quite shy, but effective. Emily love to serve breakfast to the passengers because it´s good for me too move my legs. She look outside the window and see that it begins snowing. Emily does not like the snow. She would anyway not like to get snow in her face. Not so convenient. She turns around and suddenly a man in 24-year-old asks her where the toilet is. emily watching his beautiful eyes and gets nervous. She looks up again and asks the young man to ask about his question. Emily pointing to the left side and the man continues his way there. His eyes were as shiny crystals. There are not many who believe in first sight but Emily do. Emily continues with his job and then have days run out.Emily went to her compartment in paris coach. she changes her clothes to sleepwear and jumped into bed. She closed her eyes and begins thinking about the murder of Samuel Ratchett. Emily was in love with louis but today she was really impressed by the charming man.
torsdag 31 januari 2013
Princess Nathalia Mirnoff
December 1974. I’m an old and ugly princess from Russia, my name is Nathalia Mirnoff. I’m traveling from Constantinople where I visited some friends at the Austrian Embassy. Together with me on this trip is my maid, Hildegard Schmith. She helped me with some stuff and gave me some massage at nights, because I have some rheumatic pains from which I suffer. When we jumped on the train, I saw many people, some regular some rich and many maids. I told my maid too carry my bags too my room, number three.
- Oh! I can hear some birds who are singing outdoor, so beautifully and wonderful.
The train, ”Taurusexpress” was a very popular, nice and a beautiful train. Consisting of a dining car with a little kitchen, a sleep car and two passenger cars. When I came in to the train it was a red carpet on the floor, so beautiful and cozy. I think that it was a bit cold on the train...
My first night was so weird. I was in the dining car and told the conductor to make up my bed. When I eat my dinner I sat with two older guys. After my dinner I went directly to my bed. I read until eleven in my british history book and then I turned out my light.
I couldn’t sleep because I had some pains, so I rang for my maid. I think the time was about a quarter to one when she came. Hildegard Schmith came and gave me some massage so I felt sleepy. I can’t say exactly when she left me.
I woke up suddenly when Hildegard woke me. She was pale and looked very frightened.
Mr Ratchett has been murdered tonight! And we had stuck in a snowdrift, so the train is fixed now and the murder can’t ran away from the train.
I was very scared because a murder are loose on the train, I felt discomfort in my stomach. Everyone went to the dining car because the conductor want to told us what’s happening the night. I felt so afraid then. But Mr Ratchett was a very stupid and nasty person. He has murder many children in his years so he deserve to be murdered, I think. But his family was of course sad about it.
I think the conductor is the murder, because he has all keys to the room and he was weird at the night. He was a bit quiet and suspicious. And the button from a conductor's uniform is found in Mrs Hubbard's compartment. The conductor's uniform is found hidden in the toilet in the Calais coach. He don’t like Mr Ratchett so much, so I think he is the murdered to Mr Ratchett murder.
- Oh! I can hear some birds who are singing outdoor, so beautifully and wonderful.
The train, ”Taurusexpress” was a very popular, nice and a beautiful train. Consisting of a dining car with a little kitchen, a sleep car and two passenger cars. When I came in to the train it was a red carpet on the floor, so beautiful and cozy. I think that it was a bit cold on the train...
My first night was so weird. I was in the dining car and told the conductor to make up my bed. When I eat my dinner I sat with two older guys. After my dinner I went directly to my bed. I read until eleven in my british history book and then I turned out my light.
I couldn’t sleep because I had some pains, so I rang for my maid. I think the time was about a quarter to one when she came. Hildegard Schmith came and gave me some massage so I felt sleepy. I can’t say exactly when she left me.
I woke up suddenly when Hildegard woke me. She was pale and looked very frightened.
Mr Ratchett has been murdered tonight! And we had stuck in a snowdrift, so the train is fixed now and the murder can’t ran away from the train.
I was very scared because a murder are loose on the train, I felt discomfort in my stomach. Everyone went to the dining car because the conductor want to told us what’s happening the night. I felt so afraid then. But Mr Ratchett was a very stupid and nasty person. He has murder many children in his years so he deserve to be murdered, I think. But his family was of course sad about it.
I think the conductor is the murder, because he has all keys to the room and he was weird at the night. He was a bit quiet and suspicious. And the button from a conductor's uniform is found in Mrs Hubbard's compartment. The conductor's uniform is found hidden in the toilet in the Calais coach. He don’t like Mr Ratchett so much, so I think he is the murdered to Mr Ratchett murder.
onsdag 30 januari 2013
Emily landrake - Story
She running down the platform, as the train is supposed to leave in a minute or two. She work as a waitress on the Taurus Express and I enjoy it very much, when we have nice passengers, otherwise it could be a bit boring. I am Emily Landrake and 22 years old. She is not like any other on this train. sometimes quite shy, but effective. Emily love to serve breakfast to the passengers because it´s good for me too move my legs. She look outside the window and see that it begins snowing. Emily does not like the snow. She would anyway not like to get snow in her face. Not so convenient. She turns around and suddenly a man in 24-year-old asks her where the toilet is. emily watching his beautiful eyes and gets nervous. She looks up again and asks the young man to ask about his question. Emily pointing to the left side and the man continues his way there. His eyes were as shiny crystals. There are not many who believe in first sight but Emily do. Emily continues with his job and then have days run out.Emily went to her compartment in paris coach. she changes her clothes to sleepwear and jumped into bed. She closed her eyes and begins thinking about the murder of Samuel Ratchett. Emily was in love with louis but today she was really impressed by the charming man.
Greta Ohlsson
The train driver started the motor and all the passengers were excited about the following days. I, Greta Ohlsson, opened the window of compartment 10, which is mine the whole trip, and my hair was blowing in the wind. It's Mary Debenham's to, the compartment, we share it, second class. The moon was shining in the dark and it reflected in my eyes. The train now have pretty fast speed so I pulled back my head and closed the window. I got kind of scared, because I didn’t notice that my roommate came in while I was living my life with my head out through the window. Right when I was going to fix my stuff and make my bed the waitress Sarah Walker came in and asked if I wanted any help to fix and pack up, she was a sweet girl and I received the help. Mary wanted to sleep in the top bed, so I let her, and then I made my bed. I felt hunger, I hadn’t eat since lunch, about 11 hours ago. Mary was packing up all her 3 bags, it was all clothes, clothes and some shoes... so well, I didn’t bather asking her to join me in the dining-car. I sat alone at my table, didn’t really know anyone, except Mrs. Hubbard and her daughter, but they had a kind of eagerly talk so I didn’t wan’t to disturb. Even though I was hungry I couldn’t eat that very much, it felt like something was wrong. I laid the napkin on the table and walked over to Mrs. Hubbard’s table anyway and had a little chat with her and her daughter. Right when I came, they stopped talking about whatever they were talking about before and instead we talked about dinner, which actually was very tasty. But after a while all three of us went back to our compartments. I walked through the hall and first when I came to my door I felt a terrible headache. I opened the door and walked strait to my purse and looked for an aspirin. No luck, Mary Debenham wasn’t in the compartment so I couldn’t ask her for one. Mrs. Hubbard lived a few compartments away so I decided to walk over to her. But then I got unsure of witch was her compartment, and of course I chose the wrong door. There was Mr. Ratchett laying on his bed reading. He heard me and bracket his look in my eyes.
- What are you doing here, Mrs. Ohlsson?
- I’m so sorry, Mr. Ratchett. I was going to Mrs. Hubbard but obviously I came wrong. I’m leaving.
- You better. You are too old and too ugly, I don’t wan’t you in my compartment.
I just got stabbed. Old and ugly? He doesn’t know how to talk with a lady.
- Like I said, I’m sorry.
I ended the conversation by closing the door pretty rough and then walked to Mrs. Hubbard instead. She was very welcoming to me from the moment she opened the door.
- Hi Greta! What are you doing here?
- I have this terrible headache and no aspirin.
Mrs. Hubbard smiled too me and invited me in. She gave me an aspirin, we said goodnight and then I walked to my compartment again. My watch showed that it was 22:30 at night so I decided to go to bed. Mary was already sleeping in the top bed and snoring too which gave me a hard time trying to sleep and it took me nearly 30 minutes to fall asleep.
It was morning. The sun looked throw the blinds and loose me right in my eyes. Outside the door I could hear people talking loud and upset. I got up and saw that Mary’s bed was empty. Right at that moment Mary opened the door and looked right at me.
- Greta, come on!
I didn’t care about changing my clothes, just walked out and there was really crowd of people trying to talk with the maid Wendy Lewis, all at the same time.
- Mary, what have happened? why is everyone so upset?
- Someone got killed last night.
- Someone? who?
- I don’t know, they are just about to tell us, quiet.
Everyone had their eyes on the maid and she looked pretty nervous.
- Ok, everyone just need to calm down. Go and eat breakfast and at the same time we that work here can talk about what we are going to about this accident.
Mary took my arm and drew me back in our compartment.
- Why don’t we go and eat breakfast? I asked.
Mary looked at me like if I should already know.
- Are you really going and eat in public looking like that?
I was only wearing my pink pajamas with teddy bears that looked like it was for someone in age 5.
- Anyway, at 5 am this night I was going to the toilet, and I heard someone moaning. I called on the conductor and that’s when they found Mr. Ratchett.
I lost my breath.
- Did you hear anything else?
- No, but Mr. Ratchett is dead. Now change if you are going to have breakfast with me, don’t go to the dinner-car with those lame pants. Or that shirt.
Mary sighed and then walked out the door to the breakfast without me. I took a fast shower and then put on some new clothes. My jeans had holes on the knees but I didn’t bather, they matched my lazy t-shirt with flowers on. The clock was 10:am so I hurried to the breakfast so that I could eat with Mary. On my way to the dinner-car I met Mrs. Hubbard. She was kind of upset and right when she saw me she came right to me and started talk.
- I need to tell you something, Greta. Yesterday it was someone in my compartment! I swear! So I called the conductor and when they came they was looking throw my room to sure me that there were no one there, and they found a knife!
- Mrs. Hubbard! What was you doing with a knife?
- It’s not mine! I don’t know how it got there. But then Mary Debenham shouted and the conductors ran over to her. After like 30 minutes they came back and said that Mr. Ratchett was murdered, and they think that it was with the knife they found in my compartment! And now I’ve been talking them out of thinking it was me, but I think I’m still suspect... What shall I do, Greta?
- And you didn’t do anything?
- Of course not! My daughter was with me all night so I have proof.
I gave Mrs. Hubbard a hug and said that it was going to be ok, if she didn’t do anything then she doesn’t need to worry. I continued walking to the breakfast and right when I walked throw the doors I started looked for Mary. She was still at our table so I sat down besides her and obviously smiled very lame to her, because she gave me that look that a fashion-freak gives you when your shoes doesn't match your dress. While I ate my toast I studied all the people in the dinner-car. Someone I haven’t talked to yet is George Arthur, he is a colonel and a little bird whispered to me that they found a button from a uniform in Mr. Ratchett’s compartment, that might be kind of suspect... I also heard one of the waitress’s talking and they said that at 0.40 this night Mr. Ratchett called to the conductor and said; C'est rien. Je me suis trompé. By translation that means; It is kidney. I cheated follows. But I think that he pronounced some words wrong and then it means; It was nothing. I was wrong. That sounds more right, but why french? Mrs. Hubbard didn’t kill him, I know that, and not Mary either. My eyes was lying on they, I know what they did and they are all going to pay for it. Those people murdered Mr. Ratchett.
My name is Sue watson and i’m a maid on this train. I’m not going to tell my age. You are probably wondering why. It’s because I think the age dosen’t matter. It’s just a stupid number. So, I have black hair and I think I’m very effective when I’m working. I don’t like stand idle.
I’am from Brighton. And I was a housewife before. But since me and my man divorced I’ve been working as a maid for the railway company and I don’t have any children. I work on the train because think the life is more simple on board trains.
I will work alot during the christmas and New Year’s holidays. I don’t have any relatives to celebrate with and I really hate being alone during the holidays.
I share compartment with maid Wendy Lewis.
I’m a littlebit scared right now. I am afraid because of the murder committed on this train. Maby it will happend aigen. You can never be sure. Me and my job mate are watching out for eachother because both are really scared. Who will miss me if i got killed?
So I went to the resturant wagon to see if it needed to be cleaned:
I walked past the long corridor when I heard footsteps behind me. I stopped for I while thinking if I’m gonna turn around and pretend to be scared or just keep on walking. I just stood there when I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder. At that point I got really scared. I turned around with very shaking hands. I looked up and saw Wendy
-Need som help?
-Oh my god! You almost made me shit my pants!
-Haha oh, i’m sorry Sue! I diden’t mean to. Haha but you should have seen you’re face thought.
-Just shut up and come with me to the resturant wagon and see if it needs to be cleaned.
We walked without talking for a while. I guess everyone is a bit shocked since the murder was committed on Mr. Ratchett. I can’t go safe anywhere. Wendy interupt me in my thoughts
-We haven’t talked so much about the murder. She said.
-Well, what is it to talk about?
-I don’t know. Who do you think it is?
-We can’t talk about this here. Someone can hear us.
-No, everyone is sleeping!
-So, who do you think it is? Some suspicions?
-Umh,actually... yes! I said
-Yepp. What about you?
-No. I have no idea. But tell me! Who do you think it is?
-Well, I think it is the conductor! Do you wanna know why? Ofcourse you want! I said and winked.
-Dah? Tell me! Wendy said.
-I think that because he has the keys to all roms. So he can easy sneak in to someones room, stab them and then walk out like nothing happened.
I could see Wendy think on what she just heard me say.
-Yeah, it seems logical!
-You think? I said.
The day went quite fast. I sat in my wagon and listened to music when someone knocked on the door. It was late and I’am not the one who use to get scared but this time I got really scared. I was alone in the wagon. Wendy was out. I lowered the music and then it knocked again.
-Who is it? I said but no one answered.
-Hello? Who is it? I screamed.
-It’s me! The conductor! Oppen please! he said.
I got even more scared.
-Umh.. I can’t oppen. I’m not dressed! I said fast.
Then I heard he took up his keys and he oppened my door.
-Hello Sue!
-H..he..hello conductor
-why are you lying to me? You are dressed!
-Sorry! I’m so sorry sir!
-Yeah yeah. Well, I’ve heard that you talking about me! Is that true?
-What? No! Who told you that? I said with very shaking voice.
-You don’t have to know that. Just tell me the truth. Someone said that you think I have murderd Mr Ratchett!
-W...what? No, no I haven’t sir!
-WHY ARE YOU LYING TO ME?! He screamed. At this very moment, I wish I was dead.
-Okey. I have. But sir, I diden’t mean it!
-But now when you know my secret I have to kill you!
-So you are the murder?
-Haha stupid women!
That was the last thing I heard then everything went black.
Marco Foscarelli
I’m Marco Foscarelli. I’m from Italy, but i lived in Chigaco for 10 years now. I work as a salesman for Ford motor cars. People say that I’m a very happy person, I talk a lot and I love to talk about my work. I was on the train because I had business in Milan. So i was on my way to Milan. The night when the man was murdered, I sat in the dining-car for a long time. It was very nice there. I ate a big steak with mashed potatoes. I was talking to two americans. They sat with me and we talked about our work. We sat there a couple of hours and we bought some drinks and talked. It was really nice and we became good friends. We asked for the bill and then we all payed our food and drinks. One of the guys thought it was really expensive and was complaining about the price. But then it was something wrong on his order, they fixed it and he payed the money. Then i went back to my compartment it was empty. my roommate, Mr Masterman, wasn’t there so i watched some TV. I watched a football game between Real Madrid and Barcelona, El classico. It was a great game and it ended 2-2. Then it went to penalty shoot-out and Barcelona won.
When the game was finished Mr Masterman came back from Mr Ratchett. He was down and felt very weird. He sat in his corner and read a book. The conductor came in to our room and made our beds. I was very pleased that he made my bed beacuse I was so tired. It was very hard to sleep because Mr Masterman had a toothache so he groaned all night. He kept me awake for hours. When i slept he woke me up a several times with his noices. Suddenly i woke up and heard weird noices from the compartment next to us. It was from Mr Ratchett’s room. I heard a scream, from a man. And then footsteps. I ran in Mr Ratchetts compartment and i found him lying on the floor, coverd with blood. His last word was:
- It was her. Mrs...
- It was her. Mrs...
Then he closed his eyes. I called for the staff and a doctor. They carried away his body and whispered to eachother, they told me to go to sleep again. When i woke up in the morning i went to the dining-cart and had a great breakfast. I sat with the two americans again and i told them about what I saw. One of them took a bit on his fresh sandwich and told me he saw Mrs Hubbard running to her compartment in the middle of the night. He was on his way back from the toilet. She was covered with a something and her shirt was destroyed. It was dark and he asked what she had done. She said she droped her shampoo when she took a shower. He thought it was weird to shower in the night but he was so tired so he went to sleep again. Then I told him what i heard and saw:
- I heard he was talking to Mrs Hubbard. They were argued about something. I think they were in love. Mrs Hubbard said she saw Mr Ratchett with another woman, Greta Ohlsson. She saw them kiss. Mr Ratchett said she attacked him and he pushed her away. But she got mad because she knew he lied to her, I said.
We talked about it for a while and we decided to go to Mrs Hubbards room and have a little talk with her. When we got there she wasnt there. But her door was open, so we went in. Under her bed we found a knife! Then in her bag we found bloody clothes. We ran fast to Mrs Swanson’s compartment. She told us to show what we found and we went to
Mrs Hubbards compartment again. She called for the conductor and his staff and they all came to take a look. We told everyone to gather in the dining-cart. Mrs Hubbard showed up and looked very uncomfortable. Mrs Swanson told everything and the conductor and the cook took Mrs Hubbard and locked her in the closet. On next station the police arrived and took Mrs Hubbard.
Countess Helena André
My name is Helena André. I come from an upper class family in London. And I'm married to count André, we've been married for a year. And I like to go with my husband when he goes abroad working as a diplomat.
Mr Mastermans story
My name is Edward Masterman and i’m 39 years old. Me and Mr MacQueen are travelling on this train to serve Mr Ratchett when he is travelling around the world to do business. Hector MacQueen is helping Mr Ratchett with the language and i’m helping him with other things like give him something to drink or folding his clothes and serve him as best as possible. We are travelling on the Taurus Express and it looks like its a big train with two coaches the Paris coach and the Calais coach and a dining coach. I sleep in the Calais coach and i share a compartment ith a big italian fellow, I think his name is Foscarelli.
In the first day nothing happened really, it was really boring. I didn’t have much time for myself because Mr Ratchett needed help pretty often but i still met pretty many of the passengers and the staff on the train, some of them was nice and some others were not very nice. In the afternoon me, Mr Ratchett and Hector went to the dining cart and had supper. I sat with Mr MacQueen and I think her name is Hildegard maybe? Anyway it was delicious and after some talk and maybe a cup of coffee we began to sleep for the night at about 9 o’ clock I went into Mr Ratchetts compartement and folded and hung up his clothes and put his false teeth in a glass. Mr Ratchett were a bit upset that evening because of a threatening letter he got earlier. He was a bit mad at me because he thought I had put it there but it wasn’t me, maybe Mr MacQueen?
I am sad and a bit terrified because Mr Ratchett has been murdered! I don’t know who did it, nobody knows! But I still think it’s Mr MacQueen because i think he was with Mr Ratchett most that evening and I think he put the letter on his nightstand.
tisdag 29 januari 2013
Dr. Constantine Witness Report #2
My name is Dr. Constantine and I'm a Doctor on my way to my hometown, Athen in Greece.
That's why I'm on the Taurus Express..
The other day I met Samuel Ratchett.
I saw that Samuel Ratchett had a chocolate egg in his purse, the egg looked so damn delicious.
I just couldn't control myself, I HAD TO TAKE THE EGG..
So I did, it felt like magic in my fingers, it's mine... Mine! My precious, I stared on it for a while and i saw that Ratchett took down his hand in his pocket.. Was it another egg?
No lol it can't be. I punched him in stomach and I ran away while screaming: LOLOLOLOLOLOL.. I was fascinated by his amazing invention.
I had never seen anything like that. Subsequent I went to my compartment and worked on the idea.
After i ate the chocolate i found something amazing.. It was toy inside the egg, The next day i went to Ratchetts compartment and saw that he was dead, It was a sign from heaven, I must continue the work on the chocolate egg. I must find a name for the piece of glory.. I might call it, "The kinder egg".
I went into Ratchetts compartment and found a handkerchief with a letter embroidered onto it, I also found a pipe cleaner.. Lucky me i don't smoke pipe.
But I found a blood stain on my white costume, I suspected it was period.. Weird, I went out of my compartment to get some food and everyone was staring at me really weird. After I ate my food i went to Ratchetts compartment once again and I saw something very leery, It was a medical book written by me! Everything was spinning around and i was thinking: Did i murder him, no it can't be.. I was in my compartment all night, I found a prescription of The Kinder Egg in Mr. Ratchetts cabinet I saw that it was containing loads of drugs. Was i the one who might have killed Samuel Ratchett?
The prescription:
Chocolate ova:
Chocolate ovum continet 40% Cocos et 40% albus Cocos
sed etiam 10% Marijuana 10% of alia pharmaca.
Signatus by:
Samuel Ratchett
So that's what happend? I killed the rich american when i was on drugs?
That's why I'm on the Taurus Express..
The other day I met Samuel Ratchett.
I saw that Samuel Ratchett had a chocolate egg in his purse, the egg looked so damn delicious.
I just couldn't control myself, I HAD TO TAKE THE EGG..
So I did, it felt like magic in my fingers, it's mine... Mine! My precious, I stared on it for a while and i saw that Ratchett took down his hand in his pocket.. Was it another egg?
No lol it can't be. I punched him in stomach and I ran away while screaming: LOLOLOLOLOLOL.. I was fascinated by his amazing invention.
I had never seen anything like that. Subsequent I went to my compartment and worked on the idea.
After i ate the chocolate i found something amazing.. It was toy inside the egg, The next day i went to Ratchetts compartment and saw that he was dead, It was a sign from heaven, I must continue the work on the chocolate egg. I must find a name for the piece of glory.. I might call it, "The kinder egg".
I went into Ratchetts compartment and found a handkerchief with a letter embroidered onto it, I also found a pipe cleaner.. Lucky me i don't smoke pipe.
But I found a blood stain on my white costume, I suspected it was period.. Weird, I went out of my compartment to get some food and everyone was staring at me really weird. After I ate my food i went to Ratchetts compartment once again and I saw something very leery, It was a medical book written by me! Everything was spinning around and i was thinking: Did i murder him, no it can't be.. I was in my compartment all night, I found a prescription of The Kinder Egg in Mr. Ratchetts cabinet I saw that it was containing loads of drugs. Was i the one who might have killed Samuel Ratchett?
The prescription:
Chocolate ova:
Chocolate ovum continet 40% Cocos et 40% albus Cocos
sed etiam 10% Marijuana 10% of alia pharmaca.
Signatus by:
Samuel Ratchett
Chocolate eggs:
Chocolate egg contains 40% cocoa and 40% white cocoa
but also 10% Marijuana 10% of other drugs.
Signed by:
Samuel Ratchett
Hector MacQueens story
Hector MacQueen was going to go on a trip with his employer, Mr Ratchett. Hector was a good looking man about thirty years old. He was Mr Ratchett’s secretary because he had to help Mr Ratchett with all kinds of languages. But Mr Ratchett had gotten threatening letters. He started to get them a few weeks earlier. Some one or some people wanted to murder him. It said ”We will get you” so Hector assumed that it was more then one person. An other thing was that he thought that Mr Ratchett traveled under a false name. He assumed it was to get away from the people who wanted him dead.
Then the day came when they were going to leave Constaniople. Ratchett got his last threatening letter there. When they went aboard the train Hector MacQueen went to his cabin to get some rest because he had to get up early to catch the train. His cabin was quite ugly. Later on, when he woke up and went to get something to eat. There, there was a detective asking all the passengers onboard the train questions. The questions were stuff like, why they were on the train, who they were and where they were going.
The train was quite big. He just noticed it. There were a few empty cabinets. The one next to Hector MacQueen was empty.
But Hector MacQueen didn’t know that Mr Ratchett would get murdered onboard the train. The night before the attack he read after dinner he read a book. It was his favorite book that he had owned ever since his childhood. Then a little later he went and talked with a young English lady that lived in compartment number ten. He later, about ten o’clock wrote notes for Mr Ratchett. The notes were about tiles and pottery that Mr Ratchett bought in Persia. He wanted it for a letter he was going to send. That was the last that Hector MacQueen saw of Mr Ratchett before he was murdered. After writing the notes he discussed world politics, the government of India and the Wall Street crisis with the Englishman Colonel Arthur. Hector MacQueen usually thinks that Britishers are stiff-necked, but he liked Colonel Arthur. They talked until two o’clock. He then called the conductor to make up his bed. When the conductor had made up his bed, he went to bed. He and Colonel only left the compartment once, too stretch there legs. They did it when the train had stopped. But when they were going to open the door to there sleeping-car the door was locked. It was cold and snowing hard so we went back to my compartment. He saw the conductor pass by twice during our talk, once he was coming from the dining-car and the other time towards the dining-car.
He thought for a while, but after many hours I decided that it could be a conductor, Mrs Hubbard and somebody else. He wanted to be careful about picking as close as possible. This is why he thought it was them: Press here!
He decided that he wanted to find out more and be sure. So he spied a little on the conductors and Mrs Hubbard and he discretely tried to find out about more information about them. But did it so nobody would expect that he suspected them. But after a couple of weeks he gave up on his search because he didn't get anywhere on it. He decided to leave the mystery for the detective and went to sleep the whole trip without coming out from his compartment.
The End
He decided that he wanted to find out more and be sure. So he spied a little on the conductors and Mrs Hubbard and he discretely tried to find out about more information about them. But did it so nobody would expect that he suspected them. But after a couple of weeks he gave up on his search because he didn't get anywhere on it. He decided to leave the mystery for the detective and went to sleep the whole trip without coming out from his compartment.
The End
Sarah Walker- Story
It was a December morning, 10 am. I was walking along the streets in Istanbul. Christmas holidays were over and it was three day until New Years Eve. Usually I would feel sad about going home from a journey but this time I was happy. I had received a letter from my sister saying that it was a lot of snow in Edinburgh, the place I lived. Winter was my favourite season and Christmas the best holiday. For the last five years I had spent all of my Christmas holidays on the train or in a different city instead of with my family. It was very nice to see different cities by Christmas. All had their own way of celebrating it. Europe was my favourite, all the snow and decorations.
I realized I had totally lost track of time when I got to the platform where the train, the Taurus Express, stood waiting to return to France. While I slowly ran down the platform I looked at the windows of the train. I saw my own reflection, the short, black hair as curly as usual and the brown eyes looking straight into mine. I was wearing a red lipstick, as usual. When I got to the doors the big clock on the wall said that it was half past ten. Just in time.
When I had settled in to the berth number 4 in the staff section in the Paris coach I went to the dining car to prepare coffee and tea for the passengers. I looked forward to meet the passengers again. That was one of the reasons that I travelled with the train. I really loved to meet new people, which I did when I was a waitress.
”Can you help me to prepare the compartments?” Luis Henry, one of the conductors, walked slowly into the dining car. I blushed a bit, Luis had always been the one I liked the most on the train.
”Yeah, of course.” I put down the teapot and followed Luis to the compartments. After about an hour of work the passengers started to drop in. I helped Greta Ohlsson, the Swedish missionary, to get settled in.
It was a busy evening, more people then usual on this time of the year. The director of the railway company was also a passenger so we, the personal, wanted to make a good impression. I heard that the english lady Mary Debenham was talking quietly to the Colonel about something.
”I can’t even enjoy the beautiful view like I’m used to.”, Mary said.
”Schy, don’t talk so loud.”, the Colonel whispered. ”It will be over soon.” With those last words the Colonel left the table where Mary was sitting. He walked out of the dining car, fast. Mary looked around, took a deep breath and smiled at me. At that moment I realized that I had been standing still, just looking at them with slightly squinted eyes. I blushed a bit and hurried back to work.
After eight o’clock, people started to round off to go back to their compartments, alone or with company. When everyone had left and I had prepared breakfast I went to my berth to sleep. I brushed my hair, put on my nightgown and brushed my teeth. It had been a lot to do at the dinner so I was very tired. The last thing I saw before I fell asleep was the clock. 10.
”Miss Walker? Miss Walker!” Someone was yelling my name over and over again. I opened my eyes and saw Lily Blake. At first I though that I had overslept, but then I noticed Lilys face. She was pale and looked very scared.
”Whats wrong Lily?” I asked with a hoarse morning voice.
”He’s dead. Mr Ratchett. He was murdered last night.”
It was a very strange atmosphere at the breakfast. With the knowledge that I was serving a murderer, I wasn’t as happy as usual. I poured the tea and coffee, served sandwiches and bacon, everything mechanical. On our way to the dining car Lily had told me everything about the night.
”We left Vincovi a bit late and then, at half past twelve, the train had to stop because of a snowdrift. No one was able to leave or get on the train. About seven minutes later, Mr Ratchett calls one of the conductors speaking France. Can you believe that? After a while Mrs Hubbard thinks that there is a man in her compartment, and her daughter stays in her mothers compartment till half past three. At 5 am Mary, you know the English lady, hears a moaning when she is on her way to the toilet. Of course she tells the conductor, who finds Mr Ratchett and fetches the doctor. Miss Swanson talks to Ratchett shortly and then he dies of too much blood loss. Can you believe that? He was stabbed between midnight and two o’clock. Miss Swanson found some things in Ratchetts compartment. I think it was a handkerchief with the letter ”H” embroidered, a pipe cleaner and a button from a conductors uniform. She also found a conductors uniform hidden in the toilet in the Calais coach. And do you know where the murder weapon was found? In Mrs Hubbard’s compartment.”
Mrs. Hubbard was very pale where she sat, neither eating nor drinking. When I asked her if she was finished with the sandwich that she hadn’t even tasted she nodded slightly, smiled a fleeting smile and then continued to look straight down at the table. It was like she was somewhere else, and it didn’t surprise me. I would also be terrified if the murder weapon was found in my compartment, because that means that the murderer must’ve been in her compartment. Miss Swanson must’ve talked to her about that. I didn’t know what to believe. Was she innocent? Or was she the murderer? I sighed lightly, everything was a big mess. I turned around and looked and Mrs. Hubbard again.
”I have to ask you, Mrs. Hubbard, do you know anything about the murder?” Mrs. Hubbard looked at first surprised and then offended.
”I have to tell you this. Of all the times I've traveled, this is the worst. Not that it was a murder, but because you, the staff, is so incredible rude.” She pursed up her lips, lifted her nose in the air and dried her eyes with a white handkerchief with the letter ”H” embroidered on it before she walked out of the dining car with angry steps. I shook my head and went on with my job. While I was serving Miss Swanson I thought of what Lily had told me and the chat with Mrs. Hubbard. It must’ve been her. I came to think of the handkerchief as Mrs. Hubbard had used to dry her eyes with. It must be the same as the one that was found in Ratchett's compartment. I gasped, but I still didn’t know for sure who the murderer was. I actually had no idea when it all came down to it.
I had a break between breakfast and lunch and I used it for a walk on the train. When I got to the Calais Coach I heard someone talking quietly.
”No, I'm sure. The waitress knows that it is we who murdered him, or at least that it is me. We need to get off this train before she tells anyone.” Mrs. Hubbard. I knew it. I just needed to see who she was talking to.
”Okey, I’ll stop the train tonight, be ready.” Luis Henry. That one really surprised me. I didn’t even know that they knew each other. But then, what did I know? I didn’t stay another minute. As fast I could without attracting attention, I hurried through the train to Miss Swanson compartment.
”Miss Swanson.” I knocked on her door, breathless. ”I know who the murderer is. The two of them.”
Hildegard Schmidt
Hello my name is Hildegard Schmidt. I’m here with the princess Nathalia Mirnoff. I’m from Germany. I’m on the train because the princess has met some friends, and I must say that it is disgusting. The train is dark, cold and brown. It is very crowded on the train. The corridor is very small and there are no lamps. The windows are dirty of dust. The beds look like a children’s home beds. The floor is muddy and dirty because the shoes has been there. Everything is old and disgusting. I don’t understand why a princess want to be on this train. But it is her choice I think. Mr Rachett has been murded tonight. But I don´t care about him. Actually I love it. I have always hate him and that was good for him to die since he wasn’t nice to me at all. There is a loose murder on the train but I dont care. Now I want to tell you the story about the night when Mr Rachett was murded.
Mary Debenham story
Hello I think?
I’m not so good at writing a diary. The fact is that this is the first time. So if someone is reading this some day in the future, you'll know why I’m so bad on it...
Well... I’m Mary Debenham. I’m 26 years old and I'm from England. And how do I look? My friends always say that I’m tall, slim, have a little bit pale skin, a beautiful face and cool grey eyes and I have black hair with neat waves and wears a black colored suit. While I’m writning this diary I’m on a train on my way to London. And why I’m on my way to London? Well I work as a governess for two children in Baghdad so I will celebrate the Christmas holiday at home. Right now I feel a bit lonley because I don’t know anybody on this train. I share compartment with a Swedish lady. Her name is Greta Ohlsson, I haven’t talked to her so much so I don’t really know how she is as a person but she’s nice to talk with. The food on this train is so good! I can feel the scent from the food in the hallway and it’s so tasty! I just love it! I have never tasted any better food on any other train I have ever been on. And I’m sure I'm sure it's not just me who think that, so I don’t think that there will be no problem finding someone to talk to in the dining car.
I have to go now. I’m going to the dining car to get some food.
See ya!
Something scary has happened! A man called Mr Ratchett has been murded. Dr Constantine think that Mr Ratchett was stabbed three times between midnight and two o’clock. And the murderer is on this train! What if I become next target? This night wasn’t good. I heard someone moaning when I was on the toilet. I heard from mrs Hubbard that she woke up and heard that someone were in her compartment. Well this is my point of view.
After a very good dinner I went to my compartment, which I share with a Swedish lady named Greta Ohlsson. I made me ready2 for the night, read for a while and then I fell asleep. At five o’clock I woke up and went to the toilet. Then I heard someone moaning so I contacted the conductor and he went to see where the noise came from. Half past ten Greta went to mrs Hubbard to fetch aspirin because she had a terrible headache and she was away for about five minutes or something. I don’t know anybody on this train but when I was during the journey from Baghdad to Istanbul I talked with Colonel Arthur in the dining car, it was nice.
You don’t know what Miss Swansson found in mrs Hubbard’s beauty bag... Miss Swansson maybe found the killers weapon, a knife. Maybe the murder were in her room this nigth or maybe it’s mrs Hubbard who is the murder... She like want things to be perfect so she maybe didn’t like Mr Ratchett... The murder is on this train and it makes me feel uncomftable. Miss Swansson also found the button from a conductor's uniform in found in Mrs Hubbard's compartment. And in Mr Ratchett’s compartment she found a handkerchief and the letter ”H” was embroidered on it. So the clues they have is:
*In Mr Ratchett’s compartment a handkerchief eith the letter ”H” embroidered, a pip cleaner when Mr Ratchett don’t even smoke.
*A buttom from a conductor’s uniform in Mrs HUbbard’s compartment.
*A uniform to a conductor hidden in the toilet in the Calais coach.
*The murders wespon, a knife. In Mrs Hubbard’s beauty bag.
So with the handkerchief and the weapon in the beauty bag makes me think that Mrs Hubbard is the murder.
Robert Janson the whole story
This is my final travel before I can get home to my children and wife. I
should hurry up buying presents though, so that I don't get home without
presents. Today and everyday have been very hectic. I run around being
nice and serving food. At about eleven in the evening I can go to bed
after helping the cook with the dishes. I really don't like serving
people which are not nice to me but I have to do it or else I don't get
any money. I share sleeping room with the cook Hugo. He snarls and talks
in his sleep but mostly I am to tired to recognize it. I really miss my
family so as fast that I can run I will hurry home. I try to be nice to
everybody but sometimes when they even won't give me a small tip I get
mad, but of course I can't show i am angry on them so I just smile and
walk away.
Some days are harder than other days, this day everyone was shouting for food and I had to run around getting payed and deliver food. There was even one person, Ms Hubbard that wouldn't give me any tip until her daughter convinced her. I had no time to even think on looking after murderers. One time I even had to work harder cause Emily was just talking to one of the conductors and not working. I got so mad so I went and talked to the cook and he got Emily back to work. After a long evening about ten o'clock I stumbled to my cabin to get some rest, I was so tired after the days work I fell asleep directly. I had to drag myself up eight in the morning to serve breakfast.
I thought and thought of who it could be and in the end I think I got an answer in my head so I went to the conductor Pierre to talk about it, this is what I thought.
Someone dressed out as a conductor, the false conductor locket the safe up and let Ms Hubbard in, Ms Hubbard shot Mr Ratchet and then cleaned the gun. She heard someone comming so she left the coach, just to make everyone think she didn’t shoot him she stabbed him three times in the chest, right where she shot him. The cleaner is from the gun and Ms Hubbard wouldn't have the strength to kill a man with a knife, the gun was easier. The storm hid the sound of a gun firing and cause she is quite old she uses a flintlock pistol and the flintlock pistol needs to be cleaned or else it will not work. Then the question is, who was the fake conductor, maybe when he locked up the door Ms Hubbard grabbed the person and talked to him of something so the button fell off. The person has to be someone that has access to a lot of key locks, maybe a masterkey and the person could maybe have gotten the dress from another train conductor in another train, so the person is traveling much and have access to a master key. Maybe Ms Hubbard got some exercise in French and the other person maybe is good on other languages. Ms Hubbard knows a flintlock pistol is worth much and puts it back in the bag instead of throwing it away. In the other peoples texts Mr Ratchet dies about six hours later than I say Mr Ratchet gets shot, well Mr Rachet took some sleeping pills which lowers his heart rate so he slowly bleeded to death. And you couldn’t find any bullets cause you don't look for bullets in a knife wound. The bullet didn’t go through the body cause Ms Hubbard had taken a bitt less powder. Ms Hubbard says that it has been a burgulary in her room just to make her look innocent. The other person with the keys could be one of the conductors, payed to lock up the room and no one would suspect the conductor since he is in charge of the train. He could have picked up an extra suit at a station, just to make a decoy and ofcourse the conductor has all the keys for the rooms. If I am not wrong Luis has an love affair with Emily and he maybe wants to do something special, like go on a trip so maybe he needed the money that Ms Hubbard offered him.
When I was finished Pierre just started to laught at me cause he thought the plot was way to hard for even an evil mastermind to figure out. He went away cause he had to talk to the cook but I kept standing for myself thinking if the story was dumb. I walked away thinking that the story was not so dump but I didn't risked to talk to anybody else about it.
The next day I went to talk to Ms Swansson about what I thought. Right after I had told her about my story she flew up and started looking after bullets in Ratchet, they got found immediently and the pipe cleaner was for a gun and not a pipe. When Ms Swansson was going to Ms Hubbard cabin to ask her out she heard a loud gunshot, it came from where I was sitting so she ran back. I was sitting in a chair just waiting for the answer when Ms Hubbard came out of the toilet and pointed a gun against me. She shot and everything went black. While I was uncontious I knew that Pierre was the helper and he had told Ms Hubbard I was on her tracks, so Ms Hubbard tried to wipe me away. I woke up at a hospital and told exactly what happened. Ms Hubbard didn't make any resistance when she was arrested cause she is quite old. A person on the train told me that Pierre ran away right after the gunshot. I'm sure he didn't want anybody to get shot so I didn't told the police where he ran away. In a couple of weeks with resting and being with my family I got back to work but from that day I am always wearing a small chainmaile piece against bullet. I never found out why Ms Hubbard murdered Mr Ratchet cause the police said it was secret information.
Some days are harder than other days, this day everyone was shouting for food and I had to run around getting payed and deliver food. There was even one person, Ms Hubbard that wouldn't give me any tip until her daughter convinced her. I had no time to even think on looking after murderers. One time I even had to work harder cause Emily was just talking to one of the conductors and not working. I got so mad so I went and talked to the cook and he got Emily back to work. After a long evening about ten o'clock I stumbled to my cabin to get some rest, I was so tired after the days work I fell asleep directly. I had to drag myself up eight in the morning to serve breakfast.
I thought and thought of who it could be and in the end I think I got an answer in my head so I went to the conductor Pierre to talk about it, this is what I thought.
Someone dressed out as a conductor, the false conductor locket the safe up and let Ms Hubbard in, Ms Hubbard shot Mr Ratchet and then cleaned the gun. She heard someone comming so she left the coach, just to make everyone think she didn’t shoot him she stabbed him three times in the chest, right where she shot him. The cleaner is from the gun and Ms Hubbard wouldn't have the strength to kill a man with a knife, the gun was easier. The storm hid the sound of a gun firing and cause she is quite old she uses a flintlock pistol and the flintlock pistol needs to be cleaned or else it will not work. Then the question is, who was the fake conductor, maybe when he locked up the door Ms Hubbard grabbed the person and talked to him of something so the button fell off. The person has to be someone that has access to a lot of key locks, maybe a masterkey and the person could maybe have gotten the dress from another train conductor in another train, so the person is traveling much and have access to a master key. Maybe Ms Hubbard got some exercise in French and the other person maybe is good on other languages. Ms Hubbard knows a flintlock pistol is worth much and puts it back in the bag instead of throwing it away. In the other peoples texts Mr Ratchet dies about six hours later than I say Mr Ratchet gets shot, well Mr Rachet took some sleeping pills which lowers his heart rate so he slowly bleeded to death. And you couldn’t find any bullets cause you don't look for bullets in a knife wound. The bullet didn’t go through the body cause Ms Hubbard had taken a bitt less powder. Ms Hubbard says that it has been a burgulary in her room just to make her look innocent. The other person with the keys could be one of the conductors, payed to lock up the room and no one would suspect the conductor since he is in charge of the train. He could have picked up an extra suit at a station, just to make a decoy and ofcourse the conductor has all the keys for the rooms. If I am not wrong Luis has an love affair with Emily and he maybe wants to do something special, like go on a trip so maybe he needed the money that Ms Hubbard offered him.
When I was finished Pierre just started to laught at me cause he thought the plot was way to hard for even an evil mastermind to figure out. He went away cause he had to talk to the cook but I kept standing for myself thinking if the story was dumb. I walked away thinking that the story was not so dump but I didn't risked to talk to anybody else about it.
The next day I went to talk to Ms Swansson about what I thought. Right after I had told her about my story she flew up and started looking after bullets in Ratchet, they got found immediently and the pipe cleaner was for a gun and not a pipe. When Ms Swansson was going to Ms Hubbard cabin to ask her out she heard a loud gunshot, it came from where I was sitting so she ran back. I was sitting in a chair just waiting for the answer when Ms Hubbard came out of the toilet and pointed a gun against me. She shot and everything went black. While I was uncontious I knew that Pierre was the helper and he had told Ms Hubbard I was on her tracks, so Ms Hubbard tried to wipe me away. I woke up at a hospital and told exactly what happened. Ms Hubbard didn't make any resistance when she was arrested cause she is quite old. A person on the train told me that Pierre ran away right after the gunshot. I'm sure he didn't want anybody to get shot so I didn't told the police where he ran away. In a couple of weeks with resting and being with my family I got back to work but from that day I am always wearing a small chainmaile piece against bullet. I never found out why Ms Hubbard murdered Mr Ratchet cause the police said it was secret information.
Cyrus Hardmans Story
My name is Cyrus Hardman. I went on a train from Istanbul to Paris. You might wonder why.
It all started with me going after some crooks. I work as a private detective from McNeil’s Detective Agency in New York. I chased them down all the way from America to Europe. I lost the track after them in Istanbul. When I was at the airport on my way home, the office contacted me. Apperently there was a guy called Samuel Rachett who needed my help. I cancelled my flight and went to the train station, which were where we had decided to meet. Well at the train station he stood, looked a bit stressed actually. I asked what there was I could do for him. He said that he had recieved some threatening letters and went ahead and showed them to me. When he had shown them to me he asked if I could follow him on his train from Istanbul to Paris. So I followed him on his train. Well on the train we decided that it’d be safest if I slept in the same coach as him. I took a rather strategic berth as I could see his from mine. Everything went just fine until... the murder. I was staying up at night to keep an eye on Mr. Rachett. I have no idea how anyone ever could’ve murdered him when I was guarding him, I mean, I saw the conductor go from his berth a few times and once he was away for about 15 minutes but I don’t reckon hearing anything suspicoius. Well, I did hear Mrs. Hubbard ring her bell like something was wrong, I didn’t think it had anything to do with Mr. Rachett and I didn’t want to stop watching him.
Now he’s dead. I’m sitting here in my berth writing this now. I still don’t know who the murderer might be but I have my thoughts. My primary guess would be that anyone from the staff murdered him. Probably someone took a job on the train just to murder him. I’m not sure who, but I did notice that some of the maids didn’t like Mr. Rachett.
It all started with me going after some crooks. I work as a private detective from McNeil’s Detective Agency in New York. I chased them down all the way from America to Europe. I lost the track after them in Istanbul. When I was at the airport on my way home, the office contacted me. Apperently there was a guy called Samuel Rachett who needed my help. I cancelled my flight and went to the train station, which were where we had decided to meet. Well at the train station he stood, looked a bit stressed actually. I asked what there was I could do for him. He said that he had recieved some threatening letters and went ahead and showed them to me. When he had shown them to me he asked if I could follow him on his train from Istanbul to Paris. So I followed him on his train. Well on the train we decided that it’d be safest if I slept in the same coach as him. I took a rather strategic berth as I could see his from mine. Everything went just fine until... the murder. I was staying up at night to keep an eye on Mr. Rachett. I have no idea how anyone ever could’ve murdered him when I was guarding him, I mean, I saw the conductor go from his berth a few times and once he was away for about 15 minutes but I don’t reckon hearing anything suspicoius. Well, I did hear Mrs. Hubbard ring her bell like something was wrong, I didn’t think it had anything to do with Mr. Rachett and I didn’t want to stop watching him.
Now he’s dead. I’m sitting here in my berth writing this now. I still don’t know who the murderer might be but I have my thoughts. My primary guess would be that anyone from the staff murdered him. Probably someone took a job on the train just to murder him. I’m not sure who, but I did notice that some of the maids didn’t like Mr. Rachett.
Mrs Harriet Hubbard -:voki:-
( Voki wouldn't work with me, so I took a screen picture and wrote instead what she were supposed to say. )
Hello, I'm Mrs. Harriter Hubbard. I'm here on the train with my daughter and her husband. We are on our way back to Los Angeles. I hope I'll have a nice staying on this train...
Hello, I'm Mrs. Harriter Hubbard. I'm here on the train with my daughter and her husband. We are on our way back to Los Angeles. I hope I'll have a nice staying on this train...
Conductor Luis Henry
I am a big, blond, calm and confident man, I have short hair and I use glasses. I am 28 years old and I live in Paris with my big family in a small apartment so i like to travel by train to get some more space for myself. I have worked with the railway company for three years.
I am the conductor on the Athens coach. I dream of one day having enough money to buy a big apartment so that i can settle down with my family. I like to hang out in the dining-car, because i have got an eye on Emily Landrake, that works there. I stay awake all night and sit i the conductor's seat in the Paris coach. During daytime i get some sleep in the Paris coach in the staff section of the train. I share compartment with the other conductor Pierre Michel.
There has been a murder on the train, the victim was Samuel Ratchet. I am concerned about the reputation of the train. Having a murderer running around on the train can't be so good for the passengers or the people that work on the train.
I think the murderer is Hector Macqueen because they found a napkin with the letter H on it and they found a knife in the room next to Samuel Ratchett's room. Someone talked French in Mr Ratchett's bell and Hector is Ratchett's servant that helps him with languages and he knows french and he had access to Samuel Ratchett's room and bell. He had pretty easy access to Mrs Hubbard's room also because she lived next to him.
In the bell Ratchett or Hector said ''C'est rein. Je me suit trompé'' which in english is ''It was nothing. I was wrong. I don't know what he meant with that but he said it at least. I have no reason to believe it is Hector but i have a feeling it is him but it can be anyone, except me.
Also M.Bouc is bad and he should feel bad, he also lies a lot.
måndag 28 januari 2013
Lily Blake
I’m 32 years old and I’m quite straightforward and bossy. I like to tell the other waitresses what they should do and I’m a little lazy. My body is stout and I’m tough. I keep my long, blond hair in a tidy knot and my samll blue eyes observe everything. I keep track of everyone, both staff and passengers.
I come from Newcastle and I have been working for the train company for eight years since my divorce from my alcholic husband. We didn’t ger any children.
I like travelling around the world meeting new people all the time. I will work a lot during Christmas and New Year’s holidays to earn some extra money. I like fancy clothes. I’m secretly in love with the restaurant waiter Robert Jason. I sleep in berth nummer 4 in the staff section in the Paris coach. I share the compartment with Sarah Walker.
onsdag 23 januari 2013
Witness report
I think that Mr Ratchett travels under a false name. Probably to get away from something. I am pretty sure that it has something to do with some threatening letters that he started to get a few weeks ago. Here, I brought them.
"Thought you would double-cross us and get away with it? Not on your life. We are going to get you and we will. Some time soon. We are going to get YOU".
The last letter he got was the morning when we left Constaniople. I saw him ten o'clock in his cabin last night before the attack. I was writing notes about pottery and tiles that Mr Ratchett bought in Persia. I was writing them for a letter that he wanted to send. I sleep in compartment number 14 alone, the other compartment is empty. I read after dinner. Then in the evening I talked to this young English lady who is in compartment number 10. Then about 10 o'clock was when I wrote the notes for Mr Ratchett. After that I discussed world politics, the government of India and the Wall Street crisis with the Englishman Colonel Arthur. I usually think that Britishers are stiff-necked, but him I liked. We talked until two o'clock. Then I called the conductor to make up my bed and I went to bed. Colonel and I only left the compartment once to stretch our legs when the train stopped. But the door to our sleeping-car was locked, cold and it was snowing hard so we went back to my compartment. During our talk I saw the conductor pass twice. Once he was coming from the dining-car and the other time he was walking toward the dining-car.
"Thought you would double-cross us and get away with it? Not on your life. We are going to get you and we will. Some time soon. We are going to get YOU".
The last letter he got was the morning when we left Constaniople. I saw him ten o'clock in his cabin last night before the attack. I was writing notes about pottery and tiles that Mr Ratchett bought in Persia. I was writing them for a letter that he wanted to send. I sleep in compartment number 14 alone, the other compartment is empty. I read after dinner. Then in the evening I talked to this young English lady who is in compartment number 10. Then about 10 o'clock was when I wrote the notes for Mr Ratchett. After that I discussed world politics, the government of India and the Wall Street crisis with the Englishman Colonel Arthur. I usually think that Britishers are stiff-necked, but him I liked. We talked until two o'clock. Then I called the conductor to make up my bed and I went to bed. Colonel and I only left the compartment once to stretch our legs when the train stopped. But the door to our sleeping-car was locked, cold and it was snowing hard so we went back to my compartment. During our talk I saw the conductor pass twice. Once he was coming from the dining-car and the other time he was walking toward the dining-car.
1st part of my story
I Don’t really know who the killer is but i have some thoughts. I think the conductor is the killer. I’am not sure but i think it is him because he has keys to almost all the doors on the train adn he can easy sneak in to a room and stab someone, then he can sneak out and lock the door and no one would know anything.
Dr. Constantine Voki!
Detta är Dr. Constantine han är en liten grekisk man som kommer från Aten, det är därför han sitter på "The Taurus Express" för att komma hem till Aten.
Samuel Ratchett's Story, Chapter 1
Yesterday, I went to the bathroom. It was a nice bathroom. The toilet paper was extra soft. It was Lambi. The bathroom was all blue with pretty lightning and a nice little sweet tablecloth on the bathroom’s table. The toilet was marked with a stamp from Ikea. I bet the swedish woman, Greta Ohlsson brought this toilet from Sweden. That evil woman, with her swedish meatballs and spaeaeaetekacka.
Later on today, I ate beef. The beef was delicious, delightful, ambrosial, appetizing, heavenly, luscious and mouthwatering! I didn’t leave a tip because they’re all beneath me, and the beef wasn’t even that good. The aftertaste was abominable.
I met Dr. Constantine the other day, he is a bad man and should feel bad. He even took my chocolate. I almost pulled my gun on him. The chocolate was special to me, it was a chocolate egg, my first invention. The interesting thing about my invention was that it was a toy inside of the egg. But no, Constantine had to take it. This train is full of peasants. Even the conductor, Luis Henry didn’t leave a chocolate bar on my pillow after making my bed.
When I went to bed, I was stabbed. And I died. After my death, they found a handkerchief with the letter H on it. Which is extremely strange and interesting, because my name does not start with the letter H. The letter H could be alot of things. For example, it could mean Huge Half-Human Hears Heroic Horse Help Hippo. It could also be the first letter of a name. They also found a pipe cleaner, and I don’t even clean pipes! This is the work of Dr. Constantine, no doubt. He likes to smoke, and stole my chocolate egg. We are rivals for life, until he ended mine.
I shall avenge my chocolate egg.
witness 2 report hugo pitcher
I'm Hugo Pitcher and I am here on this train because I work here as the chef. I come from Brighton and i have worked in several restaurants along the south coast of England, but since i divorced from my wife I have been working on railways restaurants. I work mostly on christmas and new years eve. I am mostly in the dining cart, but thats obvies because I am the cook of this train.
There occurred a murder for a moment ago. And i think I know who the murderer was...
I think it was conductor Luis Henry, because they found a napkin with the letter H on it that wood be standing for Henry. And they found the button of a conductors uniform in Mrs Hubbard's compartment.
There occurred a murder for a moment ago. And i think I know who the murderer was...
I think it was conductor Luis Henry, because they found a napkin with the letter H on it that wood be standing for Henry. And they found the button of a conductors uniform in Mrs Hubbard's compartment.
They also found a conductors uniform hidden inside of a toilet. Plus he has the keys to all the coaches so he can put all kind of evidence inside others coaches witch I think he did.
The murder wapen was found in Mrs Hubbard's compartment and the button of a conductors uniform was found there. So I'm suspecting conductor Luis Henry is the killer.
Mrs Harriet Hubbard 1
Hello, I’m Mrs Harriet Hubbard. Many people say I have a kind face, but... I don’t know about that, I don't stand by the mirror and think: I have a kind face. My compartment is really simple, I have my bed close to the window, a drawer next to my bed and all my things on that drawer, it isn't that warm though. But not cold enough to make me freeze. Anyways, I'm traveling back to Los Angeles with my lovely daughter and my son in law. Both are really kind, and a great company. But the workers on this train... Some are just simply, really rude. Dear god! One of the waitors roles his eyes when I won't tip him, well, I’m not tipping him if he gives me coffee with too much sugar. Never! He keeps putting too much sugar in it. It's sweet, too sweet. I tell him so, he just frown and walk off. Rude. Well, anyways, my daughter and her husband always cheer me up, which I like, especially when the workers here are so awfully rude. They should be nicer to thoose who are older. Well, it will probably be better later on... I atleast hope so. But the food they serve is increadable, it has a wonderful taste, it would have been perfect if the waiter just could have some manners.
But something terrible happened! A murder was committed! Can you believe it? It was Mr Ratchett who lost his life. Stabbed in the chest a number of times, poor man, he was stabbed three times. My daughter told me so in the morning. But... It could have been me, maybe... Because someone entered my compartment, in the middle of the night. What if that is the killer. Oh god, I feel like if my heart is about to stop, I'm terrified. Oh I hope I'm not next on the killers ’To kill list’. But, my jewelry is safe, I hid it in my pillow. I know... My life is much more worth than jewelry, but I still find my jewelry important. I hope that none will steal it. But... How can I sleep at night, knowing a killer is among us! And what about my daughter and her husband?! What if they too would be injured in this, or even worse. I could barely imagine... It is so... awful. I honestly think though that the Swedish woman did it all though, because... Well, I'm not sure... It just feel like she did it, I mean, she and Mr. Ratchett had a fight earlier, he said something mean to her, she got really sad. I think that a good, well, good and good but a reason to make the kill. But I wouldn't say the 'best' reason.
Then another bad thing happened. Really bad. Well, as I said, a murder was comitted before. Well... I think that many on the train suspect me. Why you may ask. I’ll tell you why! The killers weapon, the knife, was found in my beauty bag in my compartment. And a handkerchief was also found, with the letter H on it. I feel that people avoid me over this, thinking I am the one who killed Mr. Ratchett. Why would the killer hide it in my compartment? I feel like someone's framing me... Maybe it's that Swedish who is trying make it look like it was me, to get away with her own crime by putting her knife and the handkerchief in my room. What if they would kick me off the train or arrest me because of it!? I don’t want that. No. Never! But there is something that's not adding up, the conductors outfit that they found. The Swedish lady does not have that, no sir. She has normal clothes, or something like that. I mean what would she do with such a outfit? Wait, maybe she didn't do it after all. Maybe it was one of the conductors who did it. Oh my... But now, I'm confused, it doesn't go together, who of the conductors would want to kill Mr. Ratchett? Who!? I have no clue anymore, I only see the Swedish woman to have a motive to kill him, or have I just missed something. But maybe, she just maybe, had some kind of team work, with a conductor. That sounds sort of right, that could be it. But, why would one of the conductors help her? Hm, maybe she would happen to have a relationship with a conductor, but I'm still unsure about it. Maybe she finds more clues soon, the detective that is. Maybe I can figure something out if I just had more to work with. God, all this worries me, I get a really bothering feeling that makes me, I don’t know, it's hard to put into words, but it's heavy to carry. I better keep myself updated on clues. So I'm going to go and talk with the detective... Bye for now!
Cyrus Hardman
My name is Cyrus Hardman. I usally wear colorful clothes. I talk with a quite nasal voice and have coarse features in my face. I came to this train because Mr. Rachett needed a detective and I happend to be in Istanbul when he did. He asked me to come with him on his train to Paris, so I did. I wanted to keep my identity secret so I said I was an American commecrial traveller selling typewriter ribbons. My cover didn't work for as long as planned because of the murder.
tisdag 22 januari 2013
Pierre Michel
I am conductor Pierre Michel. I am a middle aged who has sallow skin, wears glassed and bald head. I am very honest and treat everyone with respect, but especially M Bouc, because he is my employer. I travel on the Taurus Express because I work here and have done so for fifteen years. I work as a conductor on the Calais coach where I sit in the conductors seat all night. During the days I get some sleep in the Paris coach. I sleep in berth number twelve, and share a compartment with my colleague Luis Henry, who is also a conductor on this train.
The trip started out really well. Everyone looked happy and we were having no problems. I was really happy about this, because maybe M Bouc would see how good I am at being a conductor and he would promote me. I really wanted a promotion so I could retire some day and live the rest of my life with my wife. But I don't think that will be happening anytime soon, because Mr. Ratchett was murdered. I don't even feel bad for him, because he is a patriotic, beef-loving idiot who doesn't like anyone or anything except for beef and the United States of America. At least that was what I found out from his diary. I wasn't supposed to read it, but I did so, that I could help catch the murderer. And why do I want to catch the murderer? Because I am one of the suspects. There is a lot of evidence pointing towards me, but I am innocent! If the murderer isn't caught they might think I did it and send me to prison. Then I would never see my wife again. Horrible thought!
Anyway, I think the chef, Hugo Pitcher did it. His motive is that Mr. Ratchett insulted the beef that Hugo is so proud of. I've never really liked the chef, because he is quite rude to people and gets angry when they criticize his food. Since he is the chef, he has access to knives, so that could explain why Mr. Ratchett was stabbed and not shot. I would like to have a look at the knife, to confirm my theory. He probably has ways to get the keys and all the other thing needed, since he works here too. He was probably going to wipe the blood off the knife so he wouldn't be suspected, but when Mrs. Hubbard saw him in her room he panicked and just shoved his handkerchief and knife in her purse and ran. His handkerchief has H for Hugo on it. I am going to bring up my theory with the detective. I really hope I am right, if I'm not it will be very awkward to work on this train, because I accused him wrongly. It might even be dangerous, given that he is the chef and could easily poison my food. I really need to stop writing this and get to bed, it's going to be a long day tomorrow.
The trip started out really well. Everyone looked happy and we were having no problems. I was really happy about this, because maybe M Bouc would see how good I am at being a conductor and he would promote me. I really wanted a promotion so I could retire some day and live the rest of my life with my wife. But I don't think that will be happening anytime soon, because Mr. Ratchett was murdered. I don't even feel bad for him, because he is a patriotic, beef-loving idiot who doesn't like anyone or anything except for beef and the United States of America. At least that was what I found out from his diary. I wasn't supposed to read it, but I did so, that I could help catch the murderer. And why do I want to catch the murderer? Because I am one of the suspects. There is a lot of evidence pointing towards me, but I am innocent! If the murderer isn't caught they might think I did it and send me to prison. Then I would never see my wife again. Horrible thought!
Anyway, I think the chef, Hugo Pitcher did it. His motive is that Mr. Ratchett insulted the beef that Hugo is so proud of. I've never really liked the chef, because he is quite rude to people and gets angry when they criticize his food. Since he is the chef, he has access to knives, so that could explain why Mr. Ratchett was stabbed and not shot. I would like to have a look at the knife, to confirm my theory. He probably has ways to get the keys and all the other thing needed, since he works here too. He was probably going to wipe the blood off the knife so he wouldn't be suspected, but when Mrs. Hubbard saw him in her room he panicked and just shoved his handkerchief and knife in her purse and ran. His handkerchief has H for Hugo on it. I am going to bring up my theory with the detective. I really hope I am right, if I'm not it will be very awkward to work on this train, because I accused him wrongly. It might even be dangerous, given that he is the chef and could easily poison my food. I really need to stop writing this and get to bed, it's going to be a long day tomorrow.
M Bouc
I am a short and rather stout elderly man. I'm the director of this railway company. When I was talking to my dear old friend miss Swanson.I've found out that she is also going on the Taurus express. I was delighted to hear that because I enjoy her company.
I´m on the train because of i´m doing business in Athens which might be a little different from my home country Belgium. I think I will spend most of my time in my compartment in the Paris coach when I´m not out with my friend miss Swanson.
I am concerned about the reputation of the train. An unsolved murder isn´t the best commercial for my railway company. So I hope Miss Swanson will solve murder before the murderer strikes again.
Mrs Hubbard found a button from a uniform when she showed it for me I recognized it from a conductor uniform. A handkerchief was also found and it had the letter H embroidered on it and that stands for Henry as in Luis Henry. Luis hid the uniform because he noticed a button was missing.
A conductor was the last one in the dining car that is when he crabbed a knife to kill ratchett later
Ratchetts bell rang at 0.37. From what I heard Pierre went to Ratchett to see what he wanted.that is when Luis is in Ratchett's compartment and killed him an.When pierre goes to find out what Ratchett wants Luis answers Je me suit trompé which means it's nothing, I was wrong. At 1.17 he visited Mrs Hubbard and he hid the murder weapon while he was looking for what caused the noise Mrs Hubbard had heard.
I am concerned about the reputation of the train. An unsolved murder isn´t the best commercial for my railway company. So I hope Miss Swanson will solve murder before the murderer strikes again.
Mrs Hubbard found a button from a uniform when she showed it for me I recognized it from a conductor uniform. A handkerchief was also found and it had the letter H embroidered on it and that stands for Henry as in Luis Henry. Luis hid the uniform because he noticed a button was missing.
A conductor was the last one in the dining car that is when he crabbed a knife to kill ratchett later
Ratchetts bell rang at 0.37. From what I heard Pierre went to Ratchett to see what he wanted.that is when Luis is in Ratchett's compartment and killed him an.When pierre goes to find out what Ratchett wants Luis answers Je me suit trompé which means it's nothing, I was wrong. At 1.17 he visited Mrs Hubbard and he hid the murder weapon while he was looking for what caused the noise Mrs Hubbard had heard.
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