I am Hector MacQueen and I'm on this train because I was supposed to be Mr Ratchett's secretary and help him by translating languages that he doesn't know so I don’t know what is with the French. As for as I know, he doesn’t know French. I don't even think that it was him who talked French since he has been murdered. He doesn’t either smoke the pipe and I can’t seem to remember who on this train that does.
Even though the letter ”H” is in my name Hector and the french that somebody was talking may be miss-leading toward me because I am the one of us that would know it, I didn’t do it. You can ask Mr Colonel Arthur for proof. There are also more people then me that have a name that starts with that letter. The button from the conductor’s uniform may be from the uniform that was found in the toilet.
I think that it maybe is Mrs Hubbard because of the ”H” and that the murderers knife is found in her beauty bag, because she may be trying to seem like she is innocent. She is also next to Mr Ratchett who is in compartment 6 and she is in compartment 7. Or maybe when she thinks that somebody is in her compartment, that maybe was the murderer when he was going to hide the knife. Or she made that up to get away. She maybe isn't alone with being the murderer, since on the letters that Mr Ratchett got it say's "We are going to get you" and that means that there are more then one behind the murder. There are maybe three of them, one stab from each one of them. Maybe there is also a conductor involved in the murder because there is a conductors uniform hidden in the toilet and a button in Hubbard's room. Or she's trying to make it look like it was a conductor who did it. Either that, or it was a conductor who wanted to hide the knife in Mrs Hubbard's beauty bag. The conductor also came and went from the dining-car. He maybe was going to get a knife. A conductor could also look all the doors, and my door was locked. The murder may also have something to do with the train stopping. Like a third murderer coming aboard.
I know that it can’t of have been Colonel Arthur because we were with each other at the time Ratchett got murdered.
Interesting text where you use all the clues to find out who the murderer is. it's a good text that doesn't have many faults in it but French is written with a big F.